For service-based women ready to amplify their authority, step out as the experts they are and create reoccurring £4-6k and beyond months in business.



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I'll be in touch with details of the next round of Amplify!

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You’ve been in business for a while now, and you've seen some success.

You’ve had clients, made money, and proved to yourself that you CAN do this. But now you've tasted what’s possible, you want more. Your clients LOVE you, and honestly? You're fed up with people telling you you're the best-kept secret (especially when you see people who have been around five minutes and nowhere near as good as you smashing it).

You're ready to:

  • Optimise your efforts to maximise your results (real talk: you want to earn more without having to work so bloody hard).
  • Grow your business and secure your place as the go-to expert in your niche (real talk: you want YOUR name to be the one people share with their network).
  • Drop the services you don't enjoy and fully leverage your high-level expertise (real talk: because you know what services bore you to death and you know you want to make your money doing).
  • Uplevel the clients you’re attracting and work with people who are invested in the process (real talk: you want to have more choice about who you have to say yes to and work with people who value the work you do not quibble over minutes spent on a task).
  • Make more serious money without adding extra hours to do it (real talk: if you could drop a few, that would be even better!)

You love what you do and want to make an impact, BUT you also want to be paid for it. 


You help your clients get results, so you want to be paid more for your expertise and the value you add to their business - and that's okay.

But it's not necessarily about the figure. It's about earning the money that will allow you to meet your life's goals.

It's about what that money makes possible. For you. Your family. Your quality of life. So you can travel. Save for the future. Pay for things in cash. Start filling that pension pot (at the moment, it feels like you might die at your desk).

It's about security and stopping having to make ends meet working client to client and month to month.

There's just one problem...

You don't know how to unlock the next level of success.

  • You’re tied to the physical work you do for clients. All your time is taken up with ‘doing’ that you don’t have any time to work on your business.
  • You're overstretched and cramming in hours. You don't feel like you're fully in charge of your business, and you're constantly chasing your tail. 
  • The only way to earn more is to do more, but you’re at capacity. Your business isn’t scalable, and you can’t see how to grow it with how things currently are.
  • You're struggling to manage your time. Clients keep moving the goalposts and don't stick to deadlines, making it impossible to plan ahead.
  • Even though you’re making money, you never feel secure. You are still living client to client and chasing the next sale - you need to change the way money is coming into your business.


You're putting everything you can into it, but navigating your business to where you want it to be feels hard when you do it alone.

You'd benefit from having the support of someone who's been there, done it and understands the ins and outs of making this pivotal transition in a service-based business (because, let's be real... being a done-for-you service provider isn't the same as being a Coach.)

You need someone who isn't just going to give you the high-level strategy. You need someone who's on the ground with you, actually supporting you with the how, working with you in real-time and who has firsthand experience and insight to share.

And, that's me!


An intimate six-month group mentoring experience for women ready to start taking their reputation and earnings seriously.



Inside Amplify, we focus on connecting three core areas to create a sustainable and profitable business. 

 PLUS, all the support you need to create change:  

High-Level Training (3 x 90 minute masterclasses) 


✅ Creating an attractive and profitable offer suite of services that helps diversify your income and create results for your clients.

✅ How to position yourself as an authority and create powerful, compelling content that gets you noticed, starts conversations with the right people and makes sales.

✅ How to create a constant flow of leads into your business and create a sales strategy that's focused on sustainability and profit.

✅ Remaining three months: We then move into the Amplified mastermind for three months to continue our work where you have continued access to high level, personalised support, feedback and weekly coaching and mentoring sessions. 

"Amplify has really opened my eyes and made me realise the value and strategic knowledge I give my clients daily on a standard hourly package, which is great for them, but my knowledge and experience are worth so much more."

Fiona, Executive Business Support

Weekly Coaching and Mentoring

✅ Weekly coaching and mentoring sessions, during which I will support you in your business, and you can benefit from the collective energy and input of the group.

✅ Whether you need help mapping your services, brainstorming ideas, or staying accountable for the actions you need to take, these sessions are dedicated to you and your business.

(2 call options each week, coaching three weeks per month).

"The results I’ve seen from working with Claire have not only been in my business and services but in my self-belief and confidence. I’ve gone from playing small as a jack of all-trades VA doing a bit of everything to levelling up my service offering, getting crystal clear on what I do and don’t offer - and ultimately doubling my rates. Claire is different. She’s been where you are, rolls up her sleeves, gets into the weeds, and does the work with you. If you’re thinking of working with Claire - do it. Just do it. Run, don’t walk."

Felicity, Strategic Operations & Project Manager

Private Community & High Touch Remote Support


✅ Ask questions and receive the support you need, whether it's answers, opinions, guidance or next steps.

✅ Get feedback on your work - I'll provide you with a high-level review, encourage you to make improvements, challenge you with questions, and use the opportunity to support your learning and development.

✅ Close-knit community - a safe space for you to share with your fellow Amplifiers.

"If you're looking for a program to explore every nook and cranny of your business potential and build your business the way you want it, Amplify is it. I thought I knew what I wanted, but Amplify crushed my expectations and got to the bottom of what I really wanted. Now, I know exactly what direction I want to take my business in."

Becca, Business Development Strategist

Meet your mentor

Hi, Claire

And I'd love to tell you a story.

I'm a woman who started her business seven years ago (aged 32) as a Virtual Assistant, charging £12 an hour. I was working part-time, I had an almost two-year-old boy, and I was facing redundancy for the second time. At that point, I'd never earned more than £21,000 a year, often worked two jobs, was still scrabbling around at the bottom of the ladder, and had accepted that my husband would be the breadwinner with the 'big career'.

I'm a high achiever, I always have been and a passionate lifelong learner so it was a bitter pill to swallow. I had so much potential but nowhere to put it, and I was miserable, so I decided to do something about it. Now, I own two businesses with a projected combined turnover of £130k+ in 2024 and work 25 hours a week to be at the school gate daily.


Was it easy? No.

Was it worth it? A million %.

How did I do it? Three key ways:

  • I got clear about my expertise and learned how to market them confidently.
  • I learned how to stop trading time for money and sell outcomes instead of time.
  • I diversified my income, created passive and semi-passive income and created new ways for clients to work with me and for me to share my knowledge.

And now, I support other women in doing the same - building happy, profitable, and sustainable service-based businesses.

Using my 15 years of experience in the personal development, skills coaching, and training industry, I combine personal development, business development, and strategy to help my clients use their expertise to optimise and simplify their businesses, diversify their income, and maximise their profits.


Collaborations & Achievements


In Amplify, we'll focus on using this powerful three-part framework to create results.

Month one:

Offers, Services & Pricing


Month Two:

Positioning, Content and Marketing


Month Three:

Lead Generation & Sales Strategy


✅ How money currently comes into your business and opportunities to diversify your income.

✅ Your offers and services and how these can be developed to maximise profit and time.

✅ Your pricing structures and financials.

✅ What you call yourself and how you position yourself online space.

✅ Your messaging, copy and content creation - how you are attracting your ideal clients. 

✅ Your overall marketing strategy in your business for visibility.

✅ How you are generating leads in your business and creating ongoing momentum.

✅ Your mindset and energy in attracting ideal clients and making aligned sales.

✅ Your sales strategy, pre-qualification of clients, tracking your earnings and your financial pipeline.


Ready to achieve results?

This is an opportunity for SIX women only.

Pay in Full


  • Weekly group coaching and mentoring sessions for 6 months.
  • Three powerful 90-minute masterclasses.
  • Unlimited remote feedback and review during our six months.
  • Private community - a safe space with your fellow amplifiers.
  • VIP In-person Day May 2025 (Gorgeous venue, lunch & strategy).
  • PIF bonus - 2 x 60  min 1:1 intensive (worth £450).
  • *Please fill in your application and I'll be in touch to chat!

6 part plan

6 x £500

  • Weekly group coaching and mentoring sessions for 6 months.
  • Three powerful 90-minute masterclasses.
  • Unlimited remote feedback and review during our six months.
  • Private community - a safe space with your fellow amplifiers.
  • VIP In-person Day May 2025 (Gorgeous venue, lunch & strategy).
  • *Please fill in your application and I'll be in touch to chat.

This is for you if:

  • You've been in business for at least 6-12 months and earn over £2k a month. Your service-based business has clients, and you have a brand in place.
  • You are committed to making the changes that will help you create results. This isn't going to happen by itself - you need to be committed and ready to show up and take action with the incredible support you will have.
  • You are ready for more - profit, fulfilment, knowledge, assurance, simplicity, security, confidence, recognition, growth, and ease.
  •  You want to step out into the world as the specialist you are and stop hiding behind general labels, content and offers.

This isn't for you if:

  • You can't commit to attending sessions or using the carefully put-together support on offer. This is a three-month programme with a purpose.
  • You aren't willing to get uncomfortable sometimes. This work will require you to challenge yourself (and be challenged by me!).
  • You are happy where you are; you don't want to grow your business or try new things (that's fine, but this isn't the programme for you!).