For service based women who want to

Earn more, work less

A ten week live group programme teaching you the skills and strategies you need to package your services confidently, stop trading time for money and increase your income.

Even if you have no idea where to start.

If you've been in business for a while...

you already know that to start making the money you want to earn, you need to STOP:

👉 selling your time by the hour, undercharging and giving discounts

👉 filling your capacity with low-end retainer clients who only want to pay for you five hours a month, expect you to be available 24/7 and constantly nitpick over how long you spend on tasks

👉 saying yes to work out of fear and working with less-than-ideal clients doing work you don't enjoy

But sometimes, knowing something and DOING it are two very different things.

Add your name to the Waitlist - details coming soon!

Adding your name to the waitlist will add you to my mailing list so I can update you when doors open for the Package Parlour. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Imagine how different your life and business would be if you could:
  • CONFIDENTLY package and sell your services so you can stop trading time for money and have clients pay you in full without batting an eyelid.
  • Make CONSISTENT sales and stop worrying about whether you'll bring in enough to cover the bills from one month to the next.
  • Know what your unique selling points are so you can show up confidently, knowing EXACTLY why clients should work with YOU.
  • Get EXCITED (and I mean obsessed) with the value and transformation you bring to your clients and the results this helps them achieve
  • Have CLARITY and feel empowered and self-assured in who you help, what you offer, and the difference it makes to your clients. Feel excited, empowered and limitless instead of exhausted, trapped and unfulfilled. 
  • CELEBRATE hitting your important financial milestones, being able to drop to a four-day week or being able to take time off when YOU want to without feeling the financial impact (or the guilt).
  • Be FINANCIALLY SECURE because you have a pipeline filled with ideal clients who can't wait to work with you.

I want you to know that all of this is 100% possible for you. And I know that because I've been exactly where you are now. Learning how to package my services as a done-for-you provider changed my life, and in the last three years, I've supported so many amazing women to learn how to do the same.

I want that for you too.

That's why I can't wait to introduce you to
If you're a Virtual Assistant or done-for-you provider


  • Fed up with selling your incredible skills and expertise (and what feels like your soul at times), slogging your guts out for £25 an hour whilst having to justify how long you've spent completing tasks by toggling every minute of your day.
  • Looking to take your business to the next level financially and energetically and want step-by-step guidance and support to do it from someone who's been there?
  • Ready to learn how to position, price and promote yourself so you can earn more whilst working less and build a happy and profitable business you bloody love.

Then the Package Parlour is for YOU!

The Package Parlour is a live, ten-week group a programme where you'll learn how to value your skills, sell outcomes instead of time and create a range of packaged services that sell with ease so you can earn more and work less.

Add your name to the Waitlist - details coming soon!

Adding your name to the waitlist will add you to my mailing list so I can update you when doors open for the Package Parlour. You can unsubscribe at any time.

So, what is The Package Parlour anyway?

The Package Parlour is a comprehensive (like no stone unturned) group training programme that takes you step-by-step through how to create, price and sell packaged services. 

Why's that important?

So rather than people paying you for your time, they are paying you for the value you add, the skills and expertise you have and the outcome or transformation you offer.

What's that going to help you do?

What's it NOT going to help you do!? Learning how to package your skills will allow you to leverage your time more profitably, increase your income, build your authority, work less and build flexibility and freedom into your life and business.

Here's how it works:

  • Through a combination of learning and education and mentoring and accountability, I will give you the what, the why and the how. Not only that, there is built-in time during the programme so you can implement the learning and get the work done (where so many programmes fall down!)
  • You'll leave with ALL the knowledge, skills, tools and strategies you need to package, price and sell your services so you can stop trading your time for money and start earning more and working less whilst building a business that serves YOU.
  • The combination of the live Q&A and mentoring sessions and the private community to receive feedback and suggestions means you will feel supported every step of the way!

No more struggling. No more worrying. No more hiding. It's your time to shine, NOW.

Here's how the programme breaks down...

Skills & Service Audit

To start with solid foundations means getting clear on who you are, the skills and experience you have and the types of work you love to do. As a qualified L4 Career & Skills Advisor, L5 PTTLS trainer and L7 Senior Leader in Strategic Management - helping people become more self-aware in their skills and identity is an integral part of my work.

In module one, we're going to:

  • Carry out a service audit so you can get super clear on the types of work you offer, what you enjoy and what you want to drop moving forward.
  • Conduct a skills audit to get a clearer idea of your experience and how that's relevant to your business and your ideal clients.
  • Increase your self-awareness and sense of identity by diving deeper into who you are through psychometric testing. This will help you curate your environment for success and build a business that serves you!

Ideal Client

In order to make more sales, you have to know who you are selling to inside out. Who they are, how they feel, what they need and what's stopping them from moving forward. 

In module two, we're going to:

  • Look at the type of people YOU enjoy working with and why so you can work with your most aligned people.
  • Find out who your ideal clients are at a deeper level - their goals, challenges and values so you can speak directly to them, create powerful and compelling copy and cut through the noise.
  • Create a brand persona of your ideal client to help you refer back to for your messaging, copy and social media content.

Creating your packages

Now that we know who you want to work with and what you want to sell, in this module, we'll start creating your packages. We'll create packages that leverage your skills, your ideal client's needs and that you are excited to deliver.

In module three, you’re going to learn:

  • How to decide on what to include in your packages and why.
  • How to create packages at different levels to meet your audience where they are.
  • What product ladders are and how to create them so you can diversify your services, introduce new revenue streams and make more sales!

Pricing & Money Mindset

In this module, we will look at your money mindset, pricing your packages and talk about perceived value. This is a major part of your journey into selling packages and feeling confident in your pricing. 

In module four, you’re going to:

  • Learn how to price your packages so you can leverage your time to be more profitable.
  • Understand value-based pricing models and how to sell outcomes instead of time.
  • Uplevel your money mindset and look at your bigger-picture financials. We'll set income goals and look at forecasting and financial pipelines.

Client Onboarding & Experience

Client experience is so important, and your onboarding system and processes play an essential role in creating a great one, making things seamless for both your client and you!

In module five, you’re going to:

  • Consider how clients come into your business and how you can use systems and content to pre-qualify them before offering discovery calls, saving your precious time and increasing conversions.
  • Look at your package workflows so your client journey is seamless and you can ensure you capture all the information you need in an efficient way.
  • Learn how to set healthy boundaries and parameters soclients know exactly what's happening throughout the process.

Messaging & Copy

In this module, you'll be learning HOW to talk about your business and packages with confidence, create powerful messaging that speaks to your ideal clients and learn useful copy techniques to give you some structure and guidance.

In module six, you’re going to:

  • Establish your brand values, craft your brand voice and create a brand dictionary so you can write copy that's filled with personality and heart and sounds like YOU. 
  • Learn how to write copy that speaks directly to your ideal clients and that sells the benefits of your packages and services.
  • Dive deep into what makes your business unique and how to confidently talk about that to your audience so they know exactly why they should work with you.

Social Media Marketing

Creating consistent, high-quality content will help you be more visible, connect with your audience and sell your new packaged services.

In module seven, you’re going to:

  • Learn about the different types of social media content you can create to build that all-important know, like and trust factor in you, your skills and your business.
  • Be given tons of amazing content prompts and post ideas to promote your services.
  • Create 12 social media posts ready to promote and sell each of your new packages!
The Package Parlour has everything you need to get to the finish line and see results...

There isn't endless pre-recorded training for you to get through. The curriculum is built around seven live, value-packed masterclasses teaching you everything you need to know. Direct, practical, relevant and detailed training (with presentations and replays available for you to revisit any time you need).


I want you to be able to have time with me so you can connect your learning to your business. That's why there are three live Q&A sessions where you can ask questions, brainstorm ideas and get hot-seat coaching and support. It's also super helpful to listen in on the other ladies' questions too!


As well as your live sessions, you'll have a private Slack community where you can ask questions, share your wins and connect with your fellow programme buddies. You'll also have 8 hosted homework sessions, so you have the time, space and accountability you need to get the work done!


Something that makes this course unique is the beautiful printed and bound workbook that you get sent. It contains all the worksheets and exercises for the programme and space to capture notes and ideas throughout the course. 

There are SO many benefits available to you by learning how to package your services:

✅ Helps your clients see your services in terms of the solution you offer, allowing you to provide value on an outcome basis and make your time more profitable getting away from a trading time for money model.

 Allows you to build in more flexibility and freedom into your business, set boundaries with your clients and avoid the scope creeping because your clients know exactly what's included and there's clarity on the expected results.

 Makes selling easier because you can create powerful, targeted content that speaks to your ideal client and their needs.

✅ Helps your clients see your services in terms of the solution you offer, allowing you to provide value on an outcome basis and make your time more profitable getting away from a trading time for money model.

 Allows you to build in more flexibility and freedom into your business, set boundaries with your clients and avoid the scope creeping because your clients know exactly what's included and there's clarity on the expected results.

 Makes selling easier because you can create powerful, targeted content that speaks to your ideal client and their needs.

It's time to stop selling your time and START selling results.
Success just some of my clients have seen by learning how to package their services:

I'm Claire

A Business Development Coach and Mentor that specialises in supporting female service providers to be more confident in their skills so they can stop trading time for money and build a happy and profitable business doing the work they bloody love. I have 15 years of experience in personal development and skills coaching, and raising women's self-awareness and self-esteem to build their lives is something I am truly passionate about.

I started out in 2017 as a Virtual Assistant charging £12 an hour, so I KNOW how it feels to be stuck in the trading time for money loop. Packaging my services was the most pivotal move I made in my business, helping me triple my income and half my working hours in less than a year. I went from being overbooked and underpaid to selling profitable packages and sending out £1-3k proposals to dream clients and getting paid in full.

Since then, I've gone on to Coach and Mentor hundreds of other service-based women through my 1:1 coaching, group courses and free online communities because I'm passionate about helping women to realise their potential, feel more confident and build profitable businesses and happy lives - whatever that looks like to them.

I want to work with Claire

Add your name to the Waitlist - details coming soon!

Adding your name to the waitlist will add you to my mailing list so I can update you when doors open for the Package Parlour. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Are you a perfect fit?

  • You are a service based, done-for-you provider who wants to stop trading time for money, charging by the hour and wants to start making your time more profitable and increase your monthly income so you can earn more and work less.
  • You want to find a better balance in your business, be able to work when suits you and be able to take time off without taking a financial hit and having to be available to your clients 24/7.
  • You want to be able to sell a range of services and introduce multiple revenue streams into your business so you can stop living hand to mouth every month and start building a profitably sustainable business.
If any of these sounds like you, you’re exactly where you need to be.