A high-touch group programme designed exclusively for ambitious service providers ready to break through and unlock their next level of confidence, profit and success. Combining the power of community with high-quality training and tailored coaching and mentoring support to make 2025 your best year in business yet.

Join Rise & Thrive

Are you ready to build your confidence and bank balance in 2025?


  • To start operating with clarity and know exactly where to focus your efforts to move the needle in your business?
  • To stop spinning the wheels and take decisive action to help your business move forward, be more profitable and sustain that growth consistently?
  • To prioritize the growth and development of your business rather than helping everyone around you achieve their success at the expense of your own?

Then you’re in the right place.`

The thing is...I know you.

How? Because I was you.


You’re a kind-hearted soul with a gentle energy that people can take advantage of. You're someone who LOVES to help others - a woman in business who provides a service. Perhaps you're a Virtual Assistant, a Social Media Manager, or a Copywriter. Whatever you class yourself as - you are really good at what you do (even if you don't like to admit it), and you know deep down you’re capable of SO much more.

  • But you are hiding. Hiding behind a job title that doesn't fit, low pricing that does not reflect the value of your skills and vanilla content that's doing nothing to help you grow your business.

  • You lack confidence and are filled with self-doubt, which means you stay stuck selling your time by the hour, capping your earnings and selling yourself short with low-end retainers.

  •  You’re tired of the constant financial and emotional pressure of running a business, the inconsistent monthly income, and not knowing where your next client is coming from.

  • You’re running your business one social media post, one sale, and one client at a time because you’re always so up against it that there’s never any time to work on your business and plan ahead.

  •  This keeps you perpetually stuck, spinning the wheels and surviving rather than thriving, so you never have the time, energy or motivation to create change.

And the worst bit?


It feels like everyone else around you is doing better than you. Achieving what you want to achieve. Sharing their success stories when you still aren’t sure where you’re next client is coming from because you haven’t posted on your grid for weeks…(again.)

You blame yourself for all this, of course. 

You believe that it’s YOU that’s lacking. Your skills. Your potential. Your ability. It doesn't matter how hard you work you just can't seem to breakthrough to that next level and push past everything that's keeping you stuck - it just feels too hard and sometimes you wonder if things will ever change.

Perhaps you're not really cut out for this at all?

Join Rise & Thrive

But here's the truth: It's not you.


The only thing you're lacking is SUPPORT.


Support that’s going to:

  • Help you cut through the noise and create a clear action plan so you can make the changes that need to happen to start seeing different results
  • Hold you accountable to your goals and ambitions -it's easy to get distracted when left to your own devices.
  • Create a plan so you make consistent progress in your business and reach your income goals (and stay there)
  • Elevate your energy and motivation so you feel inspired and confident to keep pushing forward, being courageous and creating opportunities.
  • Provide you with a community so you stop feeling isolated in your business. You will have people to talk things through with, turn to for advice, share your wins with, and get support from when you’re having a wobble.
  • Build your confidence, skills and knowledge as a business owner so you have the foundations to build a happy and profitable business that can keep on growing!
  • Encourage you to step into and own your skills and expertise so you can confidently share them with the world!


Imagine what difference THAT kind of support would make in your business. Imagine how it would feel to Rise & Thrive.


I Want THIS Level of Support in 2024

Rise & Thrive

A high-touch closed group container designed exclusively for ambitious, service-based women in business who are ready to break through and unlock their next level of confidence, profit and success. Combining the power of community with high-quality training and tailored coaching and mentoring support to make 2025 your best year in business yet.

What you can expect:

Bi weekly Coaching & Mentoring Calls

2 x hot seat coaching and mentoring sessions each month. Held on zoom, these group calls provide you with the opportunity to receive tailored coaching and mentoring support, get my eyes on your business and have your questions answered. Whether you need support with ideas, strategy, mindset, pricing, packages, or content - I'm there to support you.

A Private Slack Community

You will be added to our private Slack Community, the hub for everything in our time together. A safe space to connect with your fellow breakthroughers, ask for support and help each other! This is also where your feedback and homework thread will live.

Copy & Content Review & Feedback

Every week, there will be a dedicated thread for you to attach things to that you would like me to review and give feedback on. An amazing opportunity to receive detailed, personalised support with your copy, content, planning, packages, pricing - whatever you need! This support is INVALUABLE!

Homeworking Sessions

There will be a homeworking/co-working session for three weeks of the month. These are 10 am on a Thursday and are a chance for you to work ON your business. A dedicated time where I will hold you accountable to do the work that will help you move your business forward.

Quarterly content strategy & planning sessions

Every quarter, we will have a 2.5-hour session to plan your content for the next 90 days. We'll reflect on what's been working, check your analytics, and focus on your intention for the quarter ahead.

Monthly Goal-Setting Session

Each month, we'll have a goal-setting session so you can think about the month ahead and set your intention to move your business forward. I'll hold you accountable to these with an end-of-month check-in and reflection to see if you hit your goals and keep you on track.

Special Offer (available until end of Sept 24):

12 month commitment


per month

  • 2 x Group coaching and mentoring calls per month with guaranteed time for 1:1 support with your business. (A choice of 3 times slots per coaching week)

  • Weekly content and copy review to receive personalised feedback on your work. 

  • 3 x homework/co-working sessions per month to work ON your business

  • Private Slack community to stay connected and supported.

  • Monthly goal-setting sessions to help you stay on track.

  • Quarterly content strategy & planning sessions

  • Lock in this price point for as long as you are in the programme.  
  • An extended payment plan of up to 15 months is available. 

EXCLUSIVE bonuses!

🎁BONUS 1: Join for 2025 and get Q4 support free (worth £750)

 🎁 BONUS 2: 2 x 60 min 1:1 with Claire (worth £500)

🎁 BONUS 3: Free ticket to our in-person event in October 2024 AND 2025 event (worth £500)

Total bonuses worth £1750


Learn more about your bonuses!


Bonus #1

3 months FREE support

(worth £750)


Enrol to join me for the whole of 2025 and get three months of free support in Q4 (Oct-Dec 24).

Bonus #1

2 x 60 min 1:1 call coaching call


1:1 time with Claire to work on your business together. We can deep-dive into any area of your business you need. Call replay and summary notes included.

Bonus #2

In-person strategy day x 2


Join us for 2025 and join our fabulous in-person meet-up at a gorgeous venue in Birmingham in October 2024. We'll spend the day together as a group working on your business! With in-person support, a lovely lunch and more surprises! (worth £250). We'll also have a day in 2025!


Imagine the difference having THIS level of support in your business would make in 2025: 

  • Support with all aspects of growing your business - planning, goal-setting, visability, strategy, copy, content, messaging, marketing, pricing, packaging...
  • Being part of an exclusive community of women who are there to support you, celebrate you and cheer you on.
  • Increasing and hitting your income goals - the different it would make to you life, family and security.
  • Being able to do more of the work you love, with ideal clients and to be excited to talk about your offers because you know the value you bring and the difference it will make.
  • Feeling more confident to shout about your offers and services - knowing what to say, uncovering your true voice and understanding how to create powerful and compelling content that works for your business.

Meet your mentor

Hi, I'm Claire

A Business Development Coach and Mentor specialising in supporting female service providers to monetize and market their skills and experience. I support my clients to upskill and uplevel personally and professionally to create happy, profitable and sustainable businesses.

I have 15 years of experience in the personal development, skills coaching, and training industry. I am a Chartered Manager with CMI and hold a Master's Degree in Senior Leadership and Strategic Management. I'm passionate about helping women become more self-aware, self-assured, and confident in their skills so they can tap into their unlimited potential and share it with the world. I have two businesses with a combined turnover of £130k+ this year (whilst working 25 hours a week), and I'm only just starting!

But it wasn't always this way...


I started out in 2017 as a Virtual Assistant, charging just £12 an hour, so I KNOW how it feels to be stuck in the trading time for money loop. I know how isolating business can be. How overwhelming it can feel and how lost you can be with knowing where to start making change without the right support. 

That's when I decided to make a change. I learned how to package my skills, stop trading time for money, diversify my income, create sustainable income and build a reputation to generate consistent, high-quality leads.

Since then I've gone on to Coach and Mentor hundreds of other service based women and VAs. I'm passionate about helping women to realise their potential, feel more confident and build profitable businesses and happy lives - whatever that looks like to them.


This is for you if:

  • You're ready to make change, and you WANT to make change with the right support. You want to build a happy, profitable and sustainable business doing what you love on your terms.
  • You're willing to do the work. That means showing up for sessions and accessing and utilizing the incredible support on offer to you.
  • You would benefit from expert knowledge combined with community, support and friendship. No more feeling alone in your business - all the support you need to fly in 2024!

This isn't for you if:

  • You're after a quick fix. There's no overnight success here, no cookie-cutter approaches, no hacks - just high-quality training, support and mentoring to help you develop a sustainable, profitable business - what that looks like is up to you!
  • You aren't willing to get uncomfortable, be challenged, supported, and pushed to reach your next level.
  • You don't want to be held accountable for your goals, actions and commitments.

Are you ready to get serious about your profit and success in business?

Join me inside Rise & Thrive and receive long-term support that will elevate your energy, profit and ambitions. Drop the overwhelm and procrastination and move through 2025 with a rock-solid plan to reach your goals.